Our programs are divided into three main treatment paths. Group, Individual and Family. You can find more information on each path below or browse our full list of classes offered in the programs.
Relapse Prevention – Using secular teachings along with biblical principles to bring awareness to the clients.  Each client will learn to apply accountability, identify triggers, and learn application of real life studies. Each client will learn the effects that the substances have had on their brain and why they are feeling the way they do in their body. By learning new coping skills they will be able to maintain a clean and sober living environment. Materials used from SAMHSA, The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, Power Over Addiction, One Step with Jesus, and The Bible.
Pharmacology-Â Â Learning the withdrawals, side effects and recovery time from your drug of choice
Power Over Addiction – Learning about the effects that all substances have had on your brain, and body.
Making Peace With Your Past – Learning how to forgive yourself from your sins as Jesus paid the price so we will not have to walk in condemnation.
Anger Management – Dealing with anger using the Bible to help us identify our areas that need submission to Jesus and learn how to walk in His love and not SIN in our anger.
Co-Dependency – This class addresses the person who has let another person’s behavior affect him/her, and who is obsessed with controlling that person’s behavior. The client learns to recognize this behavior and learns how to deal with it, whether the behavior is in them or their significant others.
Six Elementary Teachings of Christ– To guide people to learn how to build a biblically functioning community as being followers of Jesus Christ.
Nurturing Parenting Program – Family nurturing God’s way. (Georgia Certified Instructor approved by DFCS)
Family Recovery Group- Family Recovery is a class taught EOW on Saturday while families are visiting the women. This time serves as an opportunity to accelerate the reconciliation process of the woman and their loved ones in a safe Christian environment. Relationships are vital to a woman’s recovery, which makes healing and forgiveness imperative. As families participate in Family Recovery, they begin to recognize the underlying causes of addiction, so they can break the cycle for generations to come. New Beginnings Ministry provides a place to manifest healing and move forward in the rebuilding of family relationships.
Introduction/Orientation– Review of NB rules and guidelines.
Sociogram –Sociogram serves as an opportunity for the women to learn how to speak accountability to each other and also gives them a chance to have truth spoken into them from their sisters. The women come into the Sociogram once a week prepared to speak 3 positive things and 3 negative things they see in their sister. The women speak what they see in each other in front of the entire body and staff and do so with the intent to build each other up, in love. Once every woman has spoken their votes, staff then ministers to each woman individually.
Inner Healing- Inner Healing is intensely spiritual and includes lessons and exercises around Rejection, Grieving, Forgiveness, Judgements, and Vows. This class is also very challenging for our women while they develop a true, deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and find one’s true self.
Bible Study– During Bible Study, the teacher will typically pick a topic from the Bible and share it with the class while asking questions and getting different opinions or thoughts on it. This serves as not only a chance to learn more about the Bible, but gives the women a chance to share their personal interpretations and meanings.
Intake– At time of entrance intake coordinator will go over initial orientation packet, rules, and daily schedule.
Celebrate Recovery– CR is a 12 step program that utilizes the 12 steps along with 12 biblical comparisons. This will enable each lady to admit that she is powerless over all of her addictions and life damaging behaviors. This is a journey unlike any other where you meet the Lord, yourself, and continue through healing.
HIV/ Blood Borne Pathogen EDU-Â 2 Hours of education will be taught to all clients once a month by Lisa Gillespie, RN.
Bible Study/Inner Healing
Watching Biblical DVD’s and discussing how it parallels to our lives. We discuss how we can become better human beings by Christ’s example.
Recognizing our past choices and how we need to incorporate the Spiritual aspects for a better life.
Family Visitation
Allowing the families to visit with their loved ones and discussing NB rules for the visits and upcoming passes. The client also discusses their personal goals they are working on.
Review of NB rules and guidelines.