I did not begin my early years as an alcoholic or drug addict. I was an excellent student and found great satisfaction in being an over-achiever. I graduated Cum-laude with a degree in nursing from Brenau University and a specialty degree from Emory University. I was a registered nurse for 10 years, however no amount of success or education could fill the emptiness inside me.
My husband died when I was 24 years old. My life seemed to end and I had a nervous breakdown. Instead of crying out to God, I began drinking heavily. This progressed to stronger chemicals. I did not care if I lived or if I died. I was very alone and married another alcoholic. This proved to be yet another bad decision. I was so impaired that I became unable to work, my husband soon left, and my addiction greatly worsened. I had been introduced to crack cocaine while at another treatment center. I had a $100 – $200 a day habit to feed. I began stealing and this led me into trouble with the law.
I had a family member who helped me into New Beginnings. From the moment I walked into the sanctuary, God began dealing with me. I was truly broken and asked His forgiveness. On December 26, 2004 I was born again. I felt clean on the inside and the burden I had been carrying was lifted. Â I look forward to many years of growing closer to my Lord. I will never regret turning my life over to Him. He kept me from going to prison and turned my life around for His purpose.
My name is Allison and I am 31 years old. I have four beautiful children, but only have custody of my two youngest. I continue to have visitation with my oldest, but I lost my parental right to my 8 y/o due to my addiction to meth. I had been on methamphetamine since I was 17 years of age. My father passed away when I was 12 y/o and my mother has been in and out due to her own addiction so my grandparents raised me since I was 4 y/o. I entered New Beginnings on July 7, 2015! I was facing multiple felony drug charges that should have sent me to prison for about 15 years, but God showed me grace. I gave my whole heart to Jesus on July 8, 2015 and my life has never been the same again. The Lord open doors and shut them. I didn’t go to prison, but I did get mandated to NBM for 7 years! Out Of my obedience I have a  relationship with my mother, I am a manager at McDonald’s, and my younger sister entered NB 2 years ago and is clean and sober and knows the Lord. I have joy, peace, and true happiness in my life that I never had before!
My name is Lindsey and I am 24 years old. I have been on drugs since I was 12 years old and I was raised by my grandmother due to the fact that my mother was hardly around because of her own addictions and my father was in and out of prison the majority of my childhood. I entered New Beginnings the first time in 2018 on a court mandate. My focus was to complete my mandate and I stayed in transition for a short period of time and then left going to back to hanging out with the same people in the same places. Within 2 months of leaving NB I relapsed, but I didn’t fully surrender to God my first time. I came back in September 2019 and I fully surrendered my life to the Lord on 9/22/2019. Now I have a have a relationship with my sister and both of my parents. I am living my life for the Lord for the first time. I now work for the ministry as a full time staff member and I am able to give back what was so freely given to me.